Dragi svi,
koristimo priliku najaviti međunarodni osnovnoškolski debatni turnir u Zagrebu.
Datum održavanja turnira je 20.4.2024.
Teza: Teachers shouldn’t be allowed to have public social media
Pravila natjecanja: Natjecati se mogu učenici osnovnih škola. Debatira se na engleskom jeziku. Turnir će biti u KP formatu. Format će biti prilagođen međunarodnom okruženju, a prilikom otvaranja prijava bit će dostupna i pravila.
Prijave će se otvoriti 18.3., a bit će otvorene do 11.4.2024.
Za sva pitanja o turniru možete se javiti na darija.jeger@hdd.hr a pravilnik turnira preuzmite ovdje.
Dear All,
we take the opportunity to announce the International Middle School debate tournament in Zagreb.
Date: 20.4.2024.
Motion: Teachers shouldn’t be allowed to have public social media
Competition rules: Only middle school students can compete. The debate is in English. The tournament will be in KP format. The format will be adapted to the international environment, and the rules will be available when applications are opened.
Applications will open on March 18, and will be open until April 11, 2024.
For all questions about the tournament, you can contact darija.jeger@hdd.hr and you can download Tournament Rulebook here.